Full Leather Shoe Clean , Older polish removed to bare leather. Re-Hydration leather  Conditioner applied , Shoe Cream Polished & Wax Week Retreat Package.
$Â 80.00
$ 80.00Upper & Midsole Angelus Leather Paint Brand Repaints-Restoration & Triple Clear Sealer / Finisher on completion. (Colour mix included).
$Â 325.00
$Â 325.00Midsole Repaints & Restorations (Two colours included)
Old weathered or cracked paint on Midsoles removed the first day & prepared the Midsoles for Angleus Brand Re-Paint the following day. Two different colours of the customers choice included in this price. 3 x of Angelus Clear Sealer or other quality brand / Finisher on completion of either High Gloss, Satin or Matte depending on customers request.
This price includes One-Way return shipping to our happy customers.🤗
NOTE* We do our best to prepare , minimise & prevent unecessary cracks but we are not liable for any future midsole cracking if sneakers are worn although it is the best sneaker brand paint 🎨 available in terms of flexibility ect :)
No Specifications